e are born for peace and love, not strife and unhappiness. A healthy, happy and respectful life is all that we are seeking. I only teach how to let go of negativity." So saying, Asaram Bapu proceeded to his seat in a special cabinet to begin the discourse for which thousands had assembled in the big pandal. I'd seen him on TV, on Sony channel, where his discourses are aired, but that had not prepared me for the radiance surrounding this man. Dressed in a white dhoti, sandalwood paste on his forehead, smiling at his devotees, he looked ethereal. The video cameras were in place. All around tight security was in evidence.
The devotees were in fervor, swaying to the chant of Hari Om. It was Gurupurnima, a special day for them. And Bhagwan—as his devotees fondly call him—was in Delhi for two days. It was a festive, gay ambience.
There were stalls in which Asaram's photographs, guru geeta (sayings of the master), malas (garlands), incense, and ayurvedic tooth powder were being sold. And there was a special stall, where you could register yourself for diksha (initiation) and another stall from where you could buy the diksha kit. After registering, early next morning Asaram Bapu would give diksha. He would chant a few mantras and whichever one the devotee vibed with, he could adopt as his personal mantra. But as the discourse was in progress, all were seated listening attentively. Some latecomers outside were begging the security to let them in. Hailing from the land of Mahatma Gandhi, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad, India, it comes as no surprise that Asaram Bapu has taken it upon himself to propagate de-addiction. For this he has even brought out a booklet Nashe Se Savdhan and held camps all over India.
His aim is to create a new society where each realizes his responsibility. "We are lost in the glamor of the West," he says in many of his discourses. "We must revive our culture and tradition, take the best out of it. After all, we are a spiritual land, why must we lose our essence, the fragrance with which the whole world associates us?"
Asaram has a following largely in the northern parts of India, as his discourses are mostly conducted in Hindi. During his discourses, he encourages devotees to meditate on the mantra Om Namah Bhagvate Vasudevay. "This reverential chanting soothes," he says. Apart from holding satsangs (communions) and discourses, Asaram Bapu is actively involved in distributing free medicines and food in calamity-stricken areas.
On the anvil is a home for the destitute in the ashram premises. The organization also publishes a monthly magazine, Rishi Prasad, which is translated into many Indian languages. The main ashram in Ahmedabad, India, hosts an ayurvedic clinic, gaushala (cow sheds) and sadhana (prayer) hall. What is special here is the maun mandir (temple of silence), where you are locked in and provided with food. You can meditate, contemplate or do whatever you feel like to discover yourself. Regular camps to educate women and make them aware of their rights are organized.
"In Jaipur, we have been running a gaushala for stray cows for many years. Now there are 1,460 cows," says Narayan Sai, Asaram's son who is being groomed as his successor.
Born on April 14, 1941 in an affluent family in Sindh, Pakistan, Asumal was the second amongst four children of Thaumal Sirumalani, a businessman. It was his mother, Mangiba, who put him on his destined path. Since birth, a calm radiance permeated his face and soothsayers predicted that Asumal would be a renowned yogi.
During the Partition in 1947, the family fled from Pakistan to Ahmedabad, India. Here, Thaumal had to start all over again. Asumal was enrolled in a Sindhi medium school and soon became popular because of his generosity.
A devout lady, Mangiba would ask Asumal to pray to Lord Krishna—a routine he follows till date. From there flowered the spiritual seed. At the age of 10, Asumal had to give up studies and work in a shop, due to his father's demise. "This trauma made him more determined to unravel the mystery of life," says Narayan.
As was the norm in those days, his family wanted to marry off the adolescent Asumal, who was unwilling to be tied down. "He wanted to be in communion with God," says Narayan.
Eight days before his wedding, he ran away. However, the family traced him in an ashram. And he found a soul mate in Lakshmi Devi, who understood his quest. He left home in 1968 and wandered to all the pilgrim spots in India, searching for God.
It was in the forest area near Nainital that he met the man who would put him on his destined path—Leelashah Maharaj. After much pleading, Leelashah accepted him as his disciple.
It was in the forest area near Nainital that he met the man who would put him on his destined path—Leelashah Maharaj. After much pleading, Leelashah accepted him as his disciple.
Asaram Bapu
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Benifits of Meditation
As the health benefits of meditation are more widely accepted and acknowledged, health clubs, spas, and resorts may increasingly include meditation classes and workshops alongside aerobics, spinning, weight-training, and hatha yoga. After all, meditation enhances your enjoyment of life at every level — and what better time to enjoy life than on a vacation!
Beyond these more obvious applications for meditation, I anticipate that meditation will become a more pervasive presence on the cultural landscape. Perhaps you’ll be able to access meditation courses on TV, hear celebrity meditators eager to talk about their practice, and find regular references to meditation on sitcoms and talk shows, in newspapers and magazines. Some other, more visionary possibilities: meditation booths in public places, meditation classes in public schools, regular meditation breaks instead of coffee breaks in the workplace, meditation rooms next to board rooms in corporations — even meditation meetings beside prayer meetings in the halls of Congress! And why not? Because meditation reduces stress and improves health without ideological baggage, it’s primed to infiltrate our lives in unprecedented — and unpredictable — new ways.
For More Information about Meditation Contact :-
Beyond these more obvious applications for meditation, I anticipate that meditation will become a more pervasive presence on the cultural landscape. Perhaps you’ll be able to access meditation courses on TV, hear celebrity meditators eager to talk about their practice, and find regular references to meditation on sitcoms and talk shows, in newspapers and magazines. Some other, more visionary possibilities: meditation booths in public places, meditation classes in public schools, regular meditation breaks instead of coffee breaks in the workplace, meditation rooms next to board rooms in corporations — even meditation meetings beside prayer meetings in the halls of Congress! And why not? Because meditation reduces stress and improves health without ideological baggage, it’s primed to infiltrate our lives in unprecedented — and unpredictable — new ways.
For More Information about Meditation Contact :-
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You calm your mind down with Meditation. It can be as basic as just breathing slowly and letting go. No matter how deep you choose to go in, you will always benefit from it and come out refreshed.
Whether you are new to meditation or have done it before, these are great, peaceful sessions. The Brahma Kumaries international site has these six:
The best way to go through these is to find somewhere quite where you are comfortable and at the right temperature. You can sit in any position you like, eyes open or closed. Try different ways and you will soon come to realise what works for you. And just listen to the meditation. If your mind wonders, that’s ok. Bring it back as soon as you are conscious that you have drifted.
For many of us, not taking care of our minds can be very detrimental. So it’s worth investing in your mind even for just a few minutes to a few hours a day. Out of 24 hours in the day, take a bit out for you. Even if you are just sitting in silence observing your breathing pattern. You will receive some amazing solace.
Anyone can meditate, from a child to a senior person. Kids benefit really well from it because they are not afraid to try it. They just let go and have a wonderful experience.
There are many CD’s you can buy if you struggle to get some Meditaion Guide. Just go into any search engine and add “meditation CD” and go through the list.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Christian meditation music
All the music ,mp3 and cd is listened before and after the meditation in the Christian faith community during meditation.
Music is often intended to create inspiration, relaxation, and positive thought during Yoga Meditation . in the “Christian meditation” not during the meditation period but before and after the meditation soft music is listened by the people and group. Margaret rizza and Cyprian consiglio are the name of music included in Christian meditation music.
This music cd’s will be tremendous blessing for You. This cd’s help you to know about meditation , how to do a Christian meditation, how to pray for making a relation with god etc. having listen this music you will be seem that you have a great experience of god’s presence and you are not alone in the holy spirit and this world ,god is around you and want to talk with you. if you listen the Christian music then you are going to live the life style of JESUS. Your illness, worry, negative thinking ,and fear are removed from your life and you are spending your quality time with god and you found that your mind is in your under control.
Music is often intended to create inspiration, relaxation, and positive thought during Yoga Meditation . in the “Christian meditation” not during the meditation period but before and after the meditation soft music is listened by the people and group. Margaret rizza and Cyprian consiglio are the name of music included in Christian meditation music.
This music cd’s will be tremendous blessing for You. This cd’s help you to know about meditation , how to do a Christian meditation, how to pray for making a relation with god etc. having listen this music you will be seem that you have a great experience of god’s presence and you are not alone in the holy spirit and this world ,god is around you and want to talk with you. if you listen the Christian music then you are going to live the life style of JESUS. Your illness, worry, negative thinking ,and fear are removed from your life and you are spending your quality time with god and you found that your mind is in your under control.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Christians Meditation mp3
There is a lot of mp3 and audio song available on the net . The society of Christian provided the meditation guide in also the mp3 format. You can subscribe that format in your mp3 player,iPode as well as your computer. This mp3 format is a “series of talk”which help the beginner one ,people, or group new related to the Meditation . you can listen this mp3 in collage’s free period , in bus , in car ,in the ground etc. this tells the beginner to know that the meditation is the simple and effective way as mp3 format.
One of the Christian father "Laurence Freeman." Has provided the " Meditatio Talks" is the series of episode you can subscribe and receive latest episode and improve your meditation idea whis is available as mp3 format.
One of the Christian father "Laurence Freeman." Has provided the " Meditatio Talks" is the series of episode you can subscribe and receive latest episode and improve your meditation idea whis is available as mp3 format.
Christian Meditation audio
This is a way to communicate with the God through cd and many more instrumental device .
there is a lot of audio cd available for listing a god song and music in a quite place. which made you speak from god directly in the sense of words and image having listen this stream audio you will go in the most wonderful journey of your life. This is a medium of talking with god. Christian Meditation Audio will give you 18 minutes streaming audio with the words and image, theory of prayer, Christian music etc. when you listen cd’s music you will gate relax .this meditation technique will relax you from a older Depression if u hear this music and dance surely you will gate relax from many depressive disease.
Christian Meditation audio benefits
1.It eliminating all your Negative thoughts.
2.It tell u how to live a natural life.
3.Your all endless and unproductive dreams is controlled and stoped by this audio.
4.It develop your aim, focus, direction, and ambitation of your life. It focused on your lifes goal
All this cds and book are stored online and the the book stationary. You can download free and paid both. All the shop of chirstian society have kept this book and audio cd.
there is a lot of audio cd available for listing a god song and music in a quite place. which made you speak from god directly in the sense of words and image having listen this stream audio you will go in the most wonderful journey of your life. This is a medium of talking with god. Christian Meditation Audio will give you 18 minutes streaming audio with the words and image, theory of prayer, Christian music etc. when you listen cd’s music you will gate relax .this meditation technique will relax you from a older Depression if u hear this music and dance surely you will gate relax from many depressive disease.
Christian Meditation audio benefits
1.It eliminating all your Negative thoughts.
2.It tell u how to live a natural life.
3.Your all endless and unproductive dreams is controlled and stoped by this audio.
4.It develop your aim, focus, direction, and ambitation of your life. It focused on your lifes goal
All this cds and book are stored online and the the book stationary. You can download free and paid both. All the shop of chirstian society have kept this book and audio cd.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Guided Christians Meditation
Guided Christians Meditation
Christians “meditation ” is a technique in which we concentrate our mind for single work at a time
This meditation technique belongs to the Eastern religion in which Christians have used this as prayear
In church. It is thought of as quite prayer ,means pray in peaceful place and in quite mind. The Christian meditation maintains your soul as well as whole body .This Meditation technique is specially belived by the religious communities.
The Christian “meditation” help us in very way
1.concentrating your mind.
2.made you focus on god.
3.made you aware of presenting of god.
4.maintain your mind as well as whole body.
5.emphasis you on god.
6.it reduce your negative thinking.
->maid a true and real relationship between you and god.
-> help in bocoming more and more power
For this meditation we need
1.A quite and peaceful Place.
2.it need a higher time slot.
3.need a positive mind.
According to Bible
In the bible the Christian meditation is described also. The Bible say this technique is a simple way to know about God and made a true relation with god and a Christian must meditate on a peaceful place for spiritual growth and on god’s every moment of a day for rest of soul & body.it control and promote your thinking and made you to spend your quality time with god.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Healing meditation
Healing meditation is generally use for relax of mind , body and soul
for doing this meditation sit on a comfortable place. during in this meditation peroid you just imagine that your body is filling with light, the filling of light moving slowly with your feet and goes upward , made more relax of your mind and body as well as your soul.this meditation will remove all your pain ,disease of your body.
for doing this meditation sit on a comfortable place. during in this meditation peroid you just imagine that your body is filling with light, the filling of light moving slowly with your feet and goes upward , made more relax of your mind and body as well as your soul.this meditation will remove all your pain ,disease of your body.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
There is many types of meditation
1.Healing Meditation
2.Insight Meditation
3.Healing Meditation Practice
4.Christian Meditation
5.Buddhist Meditation
6.Taoist Meditation
1.Healing Meditation
2.Insight Meditation
3.Healing Meditation Practice
4.Christian Meditation
5.Buddhist Meditation
6.Taoist Meditation
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meditation is a technique which is come from western country. actually meditation is a way in which you can get comfortable life. this is a approach to get a positive thought, relaxation of mind and is also a medicine which remove many of disease. some people thinks that meditation is worship or prayer, but in really the meditation is not these. this is a awareness , it increase your positive thought , it control your body as well as your mind.
to listen a bird is meditation, watching your breathe is meditation, means this is a way to control your thoughts and body.
If you go to your doctor for stress related problem, the doctor will tell you that the best treatment for stress is meditation. He /She will suggest you to start meditation this will remove your stress related problem. Meditation is one of the great religion of world now. each and every body should be known about this religion
Meditation helps us in many way
- for lower blood pressure.
- Improve exercise performance.
- The patient of Asthma , can take easily breathe by the help of meditation.
- Relax the everyday stress of life.
- It control the mental, Physical and emotional state of our life.
- It control our negative thinks.
Tips for doing meditation
- first choose a quite place.
- concentrate your mind.
- remove all negative thought from your mind.
- choose a greater time slot for meditation.
- control your mind and as well as your whole body
- during this period noting extra work should be done.
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